The ZBL Schedule A map shows the entire geographic area of Otonabee-South Monaghan Township divided into the corresponding zone maps below.
The Official Plan (OP) is implemented through the Zoning By-law.
The zoning of a parcel of land governs the use(s) permitted on that land.
Every property is placed into one or more zones which also determines the minimum lot size and where you can build on a property through setbacks from the property lines.
Zoning Maps
You can look up your property zoning by using the maps listed below, or by using the Peterborough County Let Me Map 2.0 - OSM Zoning Maps
If you require assistance determining the zoning of your property, you can make an appointment to come to the Township Office in person, or call or email the Junior Planner.
Zoning By-Law
The following links allow you to view the text of Office Consolidation of the Zoning By-law.
Once you know the zoning lettered code of your property, you can view the appropriate text (e.g. RR = Rural Residential).
Do not forget to check out the Definitions for the permitted uses.
The General Provisions are where you will find the rules for:
- accessory buildings, outside display or storage and
- special setbacks between residential uses and other uses, such as barns, commercial/industrial activities, gravel pits, landfill sites, salvage yards and watercourses.
By-law Interpretation & Administration Classification & Interpretation Definitions General Provisions Rural (RU) Agricultural (A) Rural Residential (RR) Hamlet Residential (HR) Shoreline Residential (SR) Estate Residential (ER) Limited Service Residential (LSR) General Commercial (GC) Local Commercial (LC) Tourist Commercial (TC) General Industrial (MG) Extractive Industrial (ME) Waste Disposal Industrial (MD) Community Facility (CF) Open Space (OS) Future Development (FD) Environmental Protection (EP) Penalties & Adoption
What can I do if my proposal does not fit within the zoning of my property?
What do I need to know before I apply for a Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)?
It is strongly recommended that that you contact the Planning Department for a pre-consultation meeting prior to starting or submitting your application.
What do I need to know for a Minor Variance (MV)?
It is strongly recommended that you have a pre-consultation meeting with the Planning Department before you formally submit a minor variance application.
What are the costs associated with ZBA or MV?
Before you officially apply for a Zoning By-law Amendment or a Minor Variance, you need to have a pre-consultation meeting with the Planning Department.
A pre-consultation is free and required.
Please contact our Junior Planner to set up a pre-consultation meeting.
Other fees that may apply are:
NEW - Cloudpermit e-permitting system
Otonabee – South Monaghan has updated their application and permitting process by implementing the Cloudpermit e-permitting system. Cloudpermit allows applications to be completed entirely online!
Contact Us
P.O. Box 70,
20 Third Street,
Keene, ON, K0L 2G0
Phone: 705-295-6852
Fax: 705-295-6405