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Tax Assessment & Rates

Municipal Assessment Property Corporation (MPAC) assesses the value of all properties in Ontario.
The calculation of annual property taxes is based on the assessed value.
You may contact MPAC, or visit for more information. 

Tax Rates are calculated based on the approved annual budget, and adopted by By-law every year.

Your property tax bills have three components:

  • Education taxes
  • County of Peterborough taxes
  • Township taxes

The Province of Ontario sets the education portion of taxes which helps to pay for local schools.

The County of Peterborough sets their tax rate based on their budget. The County provides important services such as recycling collection, road maintenance of County roads, the Peterborough County/City Paramedics (PCCP), and more.

The Township sets the current year tax rates based on the approved annual budget.

Township taxes are used to fund services such as:

  • Fire, Police and Emergency Services
  • Libraries
  • Parks and Recreation
  • Planning and Economic Development
  • Property Standards and By-Law Enforcement
  • Public Works and Road Maintenance
  • Waste Management (garbage collection is a user pay system in OSM Township)

Note: The Building Department is funded through building permit fees.

Please see our annual budget information for more information about how property taxes are used to fund these essential services.

Do you have questions about your MPAC Property Assessment Notice?

Assessment appeals should be made directly with MPAC through their Request for Reconsideration application form

If you are successful in reducing the property's assessment, adjustments to the tax account cannot be processed until after the final billing has been completed.

It is the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan’s policy to make available, to the public, the current year Assessment Roll Records for viewing during office hours, in accordance with section 39(2) of the Assessment Act.

The owner’s name, mailing address, civic address, lot size and legal description, and the property assessment are available in the Assessment Roll book. The public may view information contained in the Assessment Roll however photocopying, scanning, or taking photographs/video is not permitted.  A declaration acknowledging this is required to be signed by users viewing the Assessment Roll.

Municipal Staff will not disclose tax account balance information, except to the owner of that property, in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA). 

Watch the video below to see how MPAC assesses property

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