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Planning Services

The Official Plan (OP) sets out the direction for residential and employment growth in the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan. The OP designates each property as having one or more land use designations

These designations include:

  • aggregate,
  • agriculture,
  • commercial,
  • employment area,
  • environmental protection,
  • existing residential,
  • hamlet,
  • recreation/conservation,
  • rural,
  • shoreline, or
  • waste disposal

The County of Peterborough has an Official Plan that sets out the direction of land use across the eight (8) member municipalities.

The OSM Township Official Plan map can be found in the Peterborough County Let Me Map 2.0 mapping system or individually below.

The Planning Department works closely with the Building Department to make sure new development meets the Official Plan and Zoning requirements.

The Official Plan (OP) applies to all lands in the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan. The current Official Plan covers a 20 year planning period ending in 2023.

The Official Plan law can be very complex. Please contact the planning department's Junior Planner, if you would like to discuss the official plan requirements for your parcel of land or require more information.

Official Plan Maps

Official Plan Amendment

If you have a proposal that does not fit within the permitted uses of the land designation for your parcel of land, you may need to apply for an Official Plan Amendment (OPA) and/or Zoning By-Law Amendment (ZBA).

Pre-consultation with both the Township and Peterborough County is mandatory before making an application for an OPA.

Contact the Building and Planning Department to arrange an appointment to discuss your proposal.

An OPA requires a deposit of $4,000, as well as an administrative application fee of $8,000.

For a combined OPA and ZBA the required deposit is $10,000, as well as a $7,000 administrative fee. 

An OPA can take many months to complete.

This is due to:

  • the requirement for the complete application to be submitted, which can include a planning justification report, and any mandatory studies,
  • the mandatory notification process for neighbouring property owners and agenices,
  • a technical review is carried out in consultaton with the County of Peterborough.
  • once the Township is satisfied with the technical review completness, Council authorizes a public meeting, and
  • following this meeting, and prior to adopting and OPA or passing a ZBA, Council reviews and makes any changes based on the public and agency consultation.

After the adoption by Council, the OPA is then sent to the County of Peterborough for final review and approval.

Anyone who objects to an OPA may appeal a decision of the County to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT).

ZBAs are passed by Council and are also open to appeal to the LPAT.


A severance is an application process that creates one or more new lots from an existing property.
We recommend having a free preliminary severance review completed through Peterborough County prior to applying for a severance. All severances are completed through the County of Peterborough Land Division office.

Visit the Peterborough County Severance page for more information on severance requirements.

Please Note:
All required agreements are to be prepared by a Lawyer.

NEW - Cloudpermit e-permitting system

Otonabee – South Monaghan has updated their application and permitting process by implementing the Cloudpermit e-permitting system. Cloudpermit allows applications to be completed entirely online! 

If an Agent will be working on the e-permitting application on behalf of an owner, the owner will need to fill out the Agent Authorization Form,and submit it with the e-permitting application. 

If there are multiple property owners, the Additional Property Owner Authorization Form needs to be filled out as well and submit it with the e-permitting application.

Public Consultation

The Ontario Planning Act and regulations and Provincial Policy Statements that govern land use in Ontario. 

A period of public notice is required when a landowner applies for an Official Plan Amendment (OPA).

If you have questions about any of the information listed on this page please contact the Junior Planner at 705-295-6852 Ext. 232.

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