Goal: Improve access to mental and physical health supports
Supporting Actions:
- Liaise with the Peterborough Physician Recruitment and Retention Committee to stay informed of ongoing efforts for physician recruitment for unattached patients in the region.
- Advocate for expanded health care services including health care providers and facility upgrades (i.e. New Medical Centre).
- Support and advocate for expansion and sustainability of the Family Health Team structure in each Township.
- Advocate for a consistent transportation source for residents to access medical services in the City of Peterborough.
- Work with the relevant agencies on informative communication plans to support those struggling with mental health and/or addictions and their familial supports.
- Provide private space for residents to access internet for virtual medical appointments.
- Promote the TALK NOW Mental Health & Addictions clinic.
- Ensure no municipal barriers are in place for physical health opportunities.
- Support and encourage rural outreach for the Canadian Mental Health Association’s new Mobile Mental Health and Addictions Clinic.
- Continued promotion of crisis line services and supports.
- Update or Adopt Master Recreation Plan to ensure a focus on physical health opportunities and programming.